KYC Kycaid module / DONE

Kycaid verification module configuration instructions

  1. Register an account in the Kycaid system via the link.

  2. Go to ‘Settings’ (in the Kycaid account) - Copy the API Token to a safe place. You can also click "" to generate a Production/Test API Token.

  3. In the admin panel of the BoxExchanger script go to the ‘Advanced modules’ page - click on the settings icon in the ‘kycaid’ block. On the module settings page, in the ‘API Token’ field, paste the previously copied ‘API Token’ value - click"".

  4. Below on the page, copy the value "".

  5. Go back to Kycaid LC - go to the ‘Forms’ section - click ‘Create form’. On the create form page, enter the form name (1) - select the form type (2) - under ‘General properties’ in the ‘Callback URL’ field (3) enter the previously copied ‘CALLBACK URL’ value from the admin panel - click "" on the top right.

You can always customise the form to your liking. If you have any questions about customising the form - you can always contact Kycaid support.

  1. After creating a form, on the ‘Forms’ page, click on the chain icon in the field with the created form - in the window that opens, copy the valueform_id’.

  2. Go to the admin panel of the BoxExchanger script to the KYC settings page of the Kycaid module - in the ‘Form ID’ field specify the ‘form_id’ value copied in step 7 - click ‘Save’.

  3. The KYC module is configured. Now the button ‘Start verification process’ functions in the user's personal cabinet in your exchange service, which takes the user to the page with the Kycaid verification form.

To select the required KYC module go to the page ‘Site Settings’ - in the block ‘USER SETTINGS’ select the required module from the drop-down list - click ""

In the admin panel of the script - on the ‘Users’ page, verified accounts are marked. Also, in case of successful verification, in the admin panel on the user page, the slider opposite ‘Verified’ will be in the active position.

Last updated