Email templates / DONE
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Last updated
On the ‘Site Settings’ page in the ‘Email templates’ section it is possible to change email templates for clients and administrators.
Knowledge of html, mjml and handlebars templating engine is required to edit email templates.
In order to change a template you should press ‘Change’ in the field with the required template -> on the template editing page make changes -> press ‘Save’ in the bottom right corner of the page. Template changes will be applied immediately after saving.
Emails to customers
client/change-pass - the template of the email when the user's password is changed in the user's Personal Area. The email is sent if the ‘Receive notification of password change’ option is ticked in the user's Personal Account. The example of the message is shown on the
client/register - the template of the email when confirming the account after registration. Example on the
client/change-email - client/change-email - a template of an email when changing the mail in the user's Personal Account. Example on the
client/new-order - templates of emails that are sent at certain request statuses. A detailed description of request statuses: Example on the
client/reset-password - template of an email when resetting a password. Example on the
client/get-support - a template of an email when sending a request to support via the feedback form from the ‘Contact Us’ page. An example of such a page: The example of the message is shown on the
client/login - template of the email with notification about login to the account. The email is sent if the ‘Receive notification about logging in to my account’ option is ticked in the user's Personal Account. Example on the
admin/new-alert - security notification email template. Example on .
admin/new-order - new-order notification email template. Example on.
admin/new-verification - email template with notification about new verification. Example on .
client/comment-order - a template of a letter with a notification about a public comment in an application. More information about the comment in the request: Example on the