Tron Node / DONE

Tron Node reconfiguring:

The documentation is described for installation on a pure VDS without any third-party software or other programmes, please take this into account when installing.

  1. Install the necessary packages:

    apt update && apt install -y git wget curl nano
  2. Install Docker according to the official documentation

  3. Clone the repository with the docker image:

    git clone
  4. Go to the directory with the project

    cd docker-java-tron/
  5. Create a configuration file and set the required contract addresses and event tops: (not obligatory, but recommended so as not to process unnecessary transactions).

    nano ~/docker-java-tron/tron.conf

    configuration example for processing only USDT events

  6. Create a folder for this node

    mkdir -p ~/docker-java-tron/data/node
  7. Download Lite version of node data from open source( (documentation)

    wget -O ~/LiteFullNode_output-directory.tgz
  8. Unzip the archive (folderoutput-directory) в ~/docker-java-tron/data/node/

    tar xvf ~/LiteFullNode_output-directory.tgz -C ~/docker-java-tron/data/node/ --strip-components=1
  9. Delete the archive with the Lite data

    rm ~/LiteFullNode_output-directory.tgz

    Now our Tron node is ready to go live

Launch Node

  1. Go to the project directory:

    cd ~/docker-java-tron/
  2. Launch Tron node


How to add another contract address

  1. You have to go into the configuration:

    nano ~/docker-java-tron/tron.conf
  2. Add another address to the EVENT_PLUGIN_ADDRESS_FILTER block by separating the contract addresses with a comma character , and do not use line breaks or spaces between addresses. USDT + USDC Example:


Clearing node data:

By default we have set 5 days of data storage which you can synchronise

If you want to change this parameter you need to add a different number of days to your configuration

  1. You have to go into the configuration

    nano ~/docker-java-tron/tron.conf
  2. Add a line with your value:


How to get logs from node:

docker exec -it tron-node tail -f logs/tron.log

Opening an access port:

Create proxy from ports

- localhost:8080 to port 2080 for EventServer

- localhost:18090 to port 2090 for fullNode

- localhost:18091 to port 2091 for solidityNode

Setting up a proxy on caddy

Installing caddy

Documentation prepared for Debian 11 and 12.

apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf '' | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' |  tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
apt update
apt install caddy

configuring caddy for proxy

8080,18090,18091 to ports 2080,2090,2091 for the external network

Caddyfile will be overwritten completely!

echo -e ':2080 {\n reverse_proxy :8080\n}\n:2090 {\n reverse_proxy :18090\n}\n:2091 {\n reverse_proxy :18091\n}' > /etc/caddy/Caddyfile 

launch caddy

systemctl enable --now caddy

or restart if necessarysystemctl restart caddy


EventServer: Node: Solidity:

How to update a tron-node container.

Update the version in the .env file


Rebuild docker and restart the node:

docker compose build

Last updated