Whitebit Merchant

Supported currencies

  • Bank cards: EUR, USD, KTZ, UAH (temporarily unavailable)

  • Cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT....

Merchant installation

Using the parameters below, install the Merchant via the "Install plugin" functionality as instructedInstall plugin / DONE.

Install Plugin parameters

Plugin type: Merchant module

Plugin URL: @boxexchanger-plugins/merchant-whitebit

Directory path: whitebit

Auth: (Deploy token): leave blank

Package tag: latest

Registration and preparation of a whitebit account

  • Register on the whitebit exchange - pass identity verification - enable 2FA.

  • Contact whitebit support. In the message specify:

    • Username of your account

    • Request to activate generation of deposit addresses for online exchange service (link to your exchange service) on BoxExchanger engine.

Creating an API key to receive on whitebit

Make sure you have 2FA enabled for your whitebit account. Otherwise you will not be able to create an API key.

  1. Go to your account settings - ‘API’ section - API keys - click ‘Edit’ in the ‘API Keys’ block (or click here for a quick link to this page) - then ‘Generate API Key’ - enter 2FA.

  2. the Key (public) and Secret Key to a safe place (the data will be needed to configure the module in the admin panel).

  3. Enter key name - activate endpoints (see list below) - click ‘Confirm’ - enter 2FA.

Merchant endpoints

Top up section /api/v4/main-account/fiat-deposit-url /api/v4/main-account/create-new-address

Section ‘Transfer between balances’ /api/v4/main-account/transfer

Section ‘Wallet balance and history’ /api/v4/main-account/balance /api/v4/main-account/history

Section ‘Trading balance and order history’ /api/v1/account/balance

Section ‘Order Management’

/api/v4/order/new /api/v4/order/market

  1. On the "API keys" page - click "access" - then move the slider to the active position - enter the v4 IP address (also IPv6 if available. IPv6 may not be available then it can be skipped and insert only IPv4) back-end server - click ‘Add’ - enter 2FA.

The IP address of v4 and v6 format can be found out

  1. In the admin panel on the whitebit merchant settings page. To do this, go to the page ‘Merchant and API’ - section ‘MERCHANT SYSTEM’ - settings (settings icon) in the block with the merchant ‘WhiteBit Exchanger’ - at the bottom of the page ‘PUBLIC IP’ and ‘PUBLIC IPV6’.

  2. In the account licenses - the "Back-end server" field.

Please note that your API key will be automatically deactivated by whitebit if there is no API activity for 14 days. It can be reactivated on the API Keys page.

Merchant configuration in the admin panel

Main settings

  1. In the admin panel, go to the settings page for the WhiteBit merchant:

    • Navigate to "Merchant and API""MERCHANT SYSTEM", and click the settings icon in the "WhiteBit Exchanger" block.

  2. In the "API Secret" field, paste the previously copied Secret Key, then click "". (

    • (Note: The API Secret will be hidden after the page reloads for security reasons.)

  3. In the "API Key" field, paste the previously copied Public Key, then click "".

  4. To enable the display of a QR code for the deposit address: In the "Payment with QR-code?" field, select "Yes", then click "".

  5. To activate auto-conversion of funds received from clients: In the "AUTO SELL (AFTER ACCEPT PAYMENT)" section, select the target currency for conversion (e.g., USDT/USDC/EUR) in the "Convert to" field, then click"".

In case you want to use the whitebit merchant and whitebit payout module to automate the exchange process and utilise the liquidity of the exchange, you will need to enable auto-conversion in the whitebit merchant settings. Usually auto conversion to USDT is enabled.

Also note that the currency to which the auto-conversion will be performed (‘Convert to’ in the Merchant settings) and the currency from which the payment will be made (‘Withdraw from’ in the payment module settings) must match in order to automate the process.


Webhook setup is important for:

  • Instantly transfer the status of the request ‘For Payment’ immediately after receiving the deposit on whitebit

  • Display on the request page the number of network confirmations for deposit crediting

Setting up the webhook

  1. In your WhiteBit account, click on the profile icon (top right) → select"".

  2. On the ‘API’ page, in the ‘Webhook’ block, click "".

  3. On the page that opens, click ‘Continue’ -> you will be redirected to the ‘Connection’ page.

  4. Go to BoxExchanger admin panel -> Merchant and API page -> whitebit merchant settings -> on the settings page under "WEBHOOK SETTINGS" .

  5. Go back to the ‘Connection’ page in whitebit's LC -> in the ‘webhook address’ field, paste the URL from step 4 -> click ‘Generate Key’ -> enter 2FA.

  6. to a safe place ‘Secret Key’ and ‘Key’ (public key) -> click ‘Confirm’.

  7. Add the public key to the TXT record of the domain specified when creating the key. Let's see the example of adding a record to Cloudflare. а) a) Go to Cloudflare LK -> on the ‘Websites’ page go to the settings page for the domain you specified when creating the key. б)Go to ‘DNS’ -> ‘Records’ -> click "" -> "Type" select ‘TXT’ -> ‘Name’ enter ‘www’ if you have a domain in www.exchanger.com format or ‘@’ if in exchanger.com format or subdomain if in subdomain.exchanger.com format -> in the ‘Content’ field insert the public webhook key from step 6 -> click ‘Save’.

  8. Go back to the ‘Webhook’ page in the whitebit client -> enable webhook by moving the slider to the active state -> the ‘Codes’ access can be disabled.

  9. Once webhook is activated, go back to Cloudflare domain settings from step 7 b) -> delete the added TXT record (click ‘Edit’ in the field with TXT record -> Delete -> confirm deletion).

  10. Go to BoxExchanger admin panel -> Merchant and API page -> whitebit merchant settings -> on the settings page under ‘WEBHOOK SETTINGS’ -> in the ‘Webhook key’ field insert the public key from step 6 -> click ‘Save’ -> in the ‘Webhook Secret’ field insert the secret key from step 6 -> click ‘Save’.

  11. Add the IP from which whitebit is sending the webhook to the CloudFlare whitelist. Instructions:IP whitelisted by CloudFlare. You can check the IP with BoxExchanger support.

  12. Test the whitebit merchant.

Additional settings

  • - value ‘1’ enables sending additional logs for developers. It can be useful for analysing logs in case of difficulties with the module. Unless absolutely necessary, it is recommended not to enable and leave the value ‘0’.

  • - value ‘1’ activates the possibility of generating a static address for deposit in the user's LC. The default value is ‘0’.

  • (when find tx with 0 confirms) - setting to increase the request time after the system detects the transaction (there will be 0 confirmations of the transaction). 0.25 = 15min. For example, if you specify 0.5, the request time will be increased by 30 minutes after the transaction is detected.

  • - selection of address format (p2sh-segwit/bech32) for deposit for BTC and LTC currencies.

  • - select the provider through which fiat currency will be accepted. At the moment whitebit API supports only VISAMASTER.

Acceptance of fiat currencies

To work with fiat currencies - contact whitebit support with a request to activate a fiat gateway for the required currency.

Attention! To accept EUR, and USD in the settings of these directions - step ‘Display fields’ - be sure to include the default field ‘E-mail’. On the whitebit side, it is a requirement to ask the client to enter an Email address.


  • You can always check verification requirements with whitebit representatives

To localise text, use the grid character and language code before the text and ‘##’ after the text. For example: ###ua## Textual information ##. The text that is between the opening and closing tags will be displayed only on the Ukrainian version of the site. For example, if the client goes to the site in Ukrainian, he will see only ‘Текстова інформація"

User verification

Manual user verification is configured in the direction. Instructions for creating and setting up a direction can be found here:Directions / DONE

  • Go to the admin panel - ‘Directions’ tab - ‘Direction Settings’ - click ‘Change’ in the line with the desired direction.

  • In the destination settings go to the ‘Verification’ step - click ‘Enable’ against ‘VERIFICATION: (IDENT DOCUMENTS PASSPORT ETC)’.

  • In the ‘Count verification photos’ field, enter the number of verification images required from the user - in the text editor field, enter text with instructions for user verification and be sure to save all changes. (see examples below)

Examples of text for identity verification in different languages

##en## To pass identity verification, please, provide: 1. Photo of one of the identity documents - Passport (first page) - ID card (front side) - driver's license (front side) 2. Photo (selfie) of a person with an identity document. The frame must show the face of the person and the document in the appropriate format. ##

##ru## Для прохождения верификации личности предоставьте: 1. Фотографию одного из документов удостоверяющих личность - Паспорт (первая страница) - ID-карта (передняя сторона) - Документ удостоверяющий личность (передняя сторона) 2. Фотографию (селфи) с документом, удостоверяющим вашу личность. В кадре должно быть видно ваше лицо и документ в соответствующем формате. ## ##ua## Для проходження верифікації особи надайте: 1. Фотографію одного з документів, що засвідчують особу - Паспорт (перша сторінка) - ID-карта (лицьова сторона) - Документ, що засвідчує особу (лицьова сторона) 2. Фотографію (селфі) з документом, що засвідчує вашу особу. У кадрі має бути видно ваше обличчя та документ у відповідному форматі. ##

  • After these steps, on the client side, at the stage of payment of the application, the button ‘Verify’ will appear opposite the field ‘Identity verification’. When you click on this button, a modal window with instructions and the possibility to upload images for verification will open.

Currency verification

Manual currency verification is enabled in the currency settings and allows you to request only one image from the client. Instructions for creating and setting up a currency can be found here:

Currencies / DONE

  • This type of verification can be used to verify the client's bank card.

  • Verification of ‘Currency A’ will be requested in all directions in which the client gives ‘Currency A’ to the exchange service.

  • Go to the admin panel - ‘Currencies’ tab - ‘Currency settings’ - click ‘Change’ in the field of the desired currency.

  • In the currency settings, go to the ‘Other settings’ step - click ‘Enable’ next to the ‘VERIFICATION’ field.

  • In the text editor field enter the text with instructions for verification (see example below) and be sure to save your changes

Example text for bank card verification

##ru## In order to verify your virtual card you need to do the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to take a screenshot from your personal account (in banking), which should show:

    • 4 last digits of the card number

    • card expiry date

  2. Make a photo on which will be written the name, date and signature of the cardholder, as well as a visible virtual card from the banking.

  3. Upload the photo to the currency verification field.

To verify a physical card::

  1. Take a white sheet of paper.

  2. Position the bank card on the sheet so that the card number and date are visible..

  3. The card and its shadow should be fully visible.

  4. Handwrite the name of the service ‘yourExchangerName’.

  5. Put the date and signature.

  6. Take a photo and upload the image.

  7. Done! ##

  • After these steps, on the client side, at the stage of payment of the request, the button ‘Pass verification’ will appear opposite the field with the name of the currency. If you click on this button, a modal window will open with instructions and an opportunity to upload an image for verification.

Last updated